Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Someone update this blog....ok fine I will do it already!

2 weeks ago we learned about the Tower of Babel.

I think the kids enjoyed it, and I know we got the point across. (maybe we beat a dead horse).

We made towers out of graham crackers and marshmallow puff (shout out Criss family)

We played Jenga, or built a super tall tower

We colored

We learned about being fruitful to Jesus and not other things

We built a tower with the memory verse on it

And finally we read the story out of the Bible, and watched a video called the Bible Encyclopedia that showed the story cartoon style.

Yes, I should say the kids know the Tower of Babel.

The Memory Verse they should show up knowing is in one of the pictures...because ya, we took pictures too.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday September 25 2011

Wow I have slacked big time!!!! I have enjoyed pretending I don't have a blog.

Memory Verse

Psalm 139:13-13

For You created my inmost being;

You knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.


Today we learned where we come from. God breathed His breath into us, with just a word He spoke us into existence. He dedicated Genesis 2 to let us know how He created man. He doesn't take any time to tell you how He made the animals, or the plants, or all the elements of the earth; but He wanted you to know just how special you are by giving you the details of the creation of man. He truly loves us so much, He made us all so unique!!!!! You are so rare, you should consider yourself an endagered species...only one of you exists. He knows how many hairs you have on your head....He created you inmost being! All of your desires and likes and the things your good at, He put there. I am gonna walk even taller than six feet today knowing this truth.


When He made man he placed them in a garden with a tree, a forbidden tree. He did that to give us free will or choice. When God created man he made them in His image, because He has free will/choice then we do as well. The tree was a daily choice for Adam and Eve. I long for an easy choice like stay away from that tree and all is good Amy, but we have temptations everywhere we go. Our prayers need to be about the right choice. Lord I choose you, I need you daily; lead me, guide me...keep me strong, and hungry for you each and everyday. Our kids face a world I do not understand or even like most days. Pray that they make the right choice.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Aug 28, 2011

Memory Work

All the books in the Old Testament!!!!

We did a commercial today about the Bible....who knew they would love that as much as they did.

These were for fun, but if you really need a free Bible, or one for $8 we will hook you up!

They learned that the Bible is a two edged sword, and the more they know the more ready for battle they will be!

We are blessed with some awesome KIDS!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sunday Aug 21, 2011

What We Learned:

Last Sunday, your child learned that the Bible is a source for new life, and how it can change who we are on the inside. From the story of Nicodemus, your child discovered that when one is "born again" they no longer belong to this world, they belong to Jesus. And this new life is not temporary like our bodies, it is everlasting.

Memory Work:

Previous books of the Bible +


Suggested Parent/Child Activity:

Read the story about Nicodemus found in John 3:1-8, then read the passage about God's love found in 1 John 4:1-12. Discuss with your child how these two scriptures work together. What is God's role? What is our role? What does being born again have to do with God's love?

Daily Prayer:

Lord, thank You for giving me life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meditate on Your word. The Bible is awesome and true. I will treasure it always. Help me live a life according to Your will, as a new and loving child of God. Amen.

Not showing off, just an extremely proud mama...thanks for your help Crystal!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Aug 14 20011

What We Learned:

Today, the children learned that the Bible can be used to guide us through our time here on earth. But it does no good if we don't know what His Word says. That's why it is important, even for children, to read and study the Bible on a regular basis.

Memory Work:

Last week + This week

1/2 Samuel
1/2 Kings

Now Add

1/2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon or Songs

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:

When it is nearly dark outside, stand in the center of a room with the lights off. Look out the window and notice the dimly lighted sky. Now turn on all the lights in the room and look out the window. Notice now how everything outside looks totally dark. This is similar to God's Word. which is known as the Light. When we are far from God's Light (in a dark room), the sin of the world outside doesn't appear so dark. But when we are close to God's light (in a well lit room), it is east to tell how dark the sin of the outside world truly is.

Daily Prayer:

Lord, Your Word is a lamp to my feet, giving me the light I need for each and every step I take. Thank You Lord for watching over me, for guiding me and for protecting me. Please direct my footsteps according to Your Word, and let no sin take ahold of me to draw me away from you. Amen!!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunday Aug 7, 2011

(no pics; I done forgot!)

Memory Verse is not a verse it is books of the Bible.
The kids should know:

1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What we learned:

In today's lesson Balaam had the opportunity to be used by God. While Balaam's outward actions seemed to imply an alliance with God, his heart demonstrated his desire to embrace wickedness. Your child learned the importance of following God wholehearteldy.

Memory Verse:

"You reject all who stray from your decrees, for their delusions come to NOTHING" (lol Josh)...Psalm 119:118

(Josh offered $50 to any kid that memorized all of chapter 119; any takers?)

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:

It is good to reflect on what is important to us from time to time. Ask your child to take a few minutes to make a list of the things that are important to him or her. Parents should also make a list. Review your lists together and talk about how many of the things on your lists may be competing with God for first place in your life. Explain it is okay to enjoy other things, but we should never allow them to have first place in our lives, which is reserved for God.

Daily Prayer:

Jesus, please give us the wisdom and desire to follow You wholeheartedly all the days of our lives. Help us realize when other things may be creeping in to compete with You for first place in our lives. May we continue to cherish You above all else. In Jesus Name, amen!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today the children learned how to develop self control to fight off the many temptations that keep them from being obedient to God and enjoying His many blessings. They should not be like Samson, who took his strength for granted and became weak in obedience. By being obedient to God, and doing what is right, you become strong in faith.

Memory Verse:

My Son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. Proverbs 2:10

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:

Play a game with you child this week that will reinforce the need to concentrate and avoid distractions or other temptations. Two great games for this are Jenga and Pick Up Sticks. As you play, be sure to compare how playing the game well is similar to keeping
God's commands. If you let outside distractions or temptations turn away your attention, you can be in big trouble.

Daily Prayer:
Lord I praise You for your mighty power and strength. Help me to remain obedient to Your word and to Your commands. Let me not be like Samson, who was tempted in every little thing, but let me be strong in my faith. Amen.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Obey Some More

Don't be like Joe and play out of tune on an instrument you don't know how to play....know the Word and follow it!!!!

Memory Verse James 1:22

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. DO WHAT IT SAYS."

Today was an awesome day in Kidz Church...more on obedience. At every age we need that reminder to do what the Word of God commands. Reminds me of something my older brother used to say; "Don't do what I do, do what I say." He wanted what was right for me, but he could get away with whatever he wanted...he never wanted it for himself. We serve some amazing kids at our church and are blessed to know them; we want the best for them through all of their many stages. If they learn to do what God says now, they will prove to be an unstoppable force for Him. Lets continue to show them what God says and what He wants from them.

Story time

Exodus 17 (Battle with Amalekites)

1 Samuel 15 (More battle, but not obedient ending)

Encourage Bible memorization for next prizes await!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Will Obey.

Memory Verse

Luke 11:28

Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.

What we learned

Through the story of Jonah, how we should obey God the first time....


Remember to come to class knowing your memory verse and you get to play Plunko!