Sunday September 25 2011
Wow I have slacked big time!!!! I have enjoyed pretending I don't have a blog.
Memory Verse
Psalm 139:13-13
For You created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Today we learned where we come from. God breathed His breath into us, with just a word He spoke us into existence. He dedicated Genesis 2 to let us know how He created man. He doesn't take any time to tell you how He made the animals, or the plants, or all the elements of the earth; but He wanted you to know just how special you are by giving you the details of the creation of man. He truly loves us so much, He made us all so unique!!!!! You are so rare, you should consider yourself an endagered species...only one of you exists. He knows how many hairs you have on your head....He created you inmost being! All of your desires and likes and the things your good at, He put there. I am gonna walk even taller than six feet today knowing this truth.
When He made man he placed them in a garden with a tree, a forbidden tree. He did that to give us free will or choice. When God created man he made them in His image, because He has free will/choice then we do as well. The tree was a daily choice for Adam and Eve. I long for an easy choice like stay away from that tree and all is good Amy, but we have temptations everywhere we go. Our prayers need to be about the right choice. Lord I choose you, I need you daily; lead me, guide me...keep me strong, and hungry for you each and everyday. Our kids face a world I do not understand or even like most days. Pray that they make the right choice.
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