Memory Verse James 1:22
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. DO WHAT IT SAYS."
Today was an awesome day in Kidz Church...more on obedience. At every age we need that reminder to do what the Word of God commands. Reminds me of something my older brother used to say; "Don't do what I do, do what I say." He wanted what was right for me, but he could get away with whatever he wanted...he never wanted it for himself. We serve some amazing kids at our church and are blessed to know them; we want the best for them through all of their many stages. If they learn to do what God says now, they will prove to be an unstoppable force for Him. Lets continue to show them what God says and what He wants from them.
Story time
Exodus 17 (Battle with Amalekites)
1 Samuel 15 (More battle, but not obedient ending)
Encourage Bible memorization for next week....cool prizes await!
Thank you all for everything you do and sacrafice for our children! They are learning and growing in the Lord and you are a big part of that. We love you all and pray for you often.