What we learned:
In today's lesson Balaam had the opportunity to be used by God. While Balaam's outward actions seemed to imply an alliance with God, his heart demonstrated his desire to embrace wickedness. Your child learned the importance of following God wholehearteldy.
Memory Verse:
"You reject all who stray from your decrees, for their delusions come to NOTHING" (lol Josh)...Psalm 119:118
(Josh offered $50 to any kid that memorized all of chapter 119; any takers?)
Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
It is good to reflect on what is important to us from time to time. Ask your child to take a few minutes to make a list of the things that are important to him or her. Parents should also make a list. Review your lists together and talk about how many of the things on your lists may be competing with God for first place in your life. Explain it is okay to enjoy other things, but we should never allow them to have first place in our lives, which is reserved for God.
Daily Prayer:
Jesus, please give us the wisdom and desire to follow You wholeheartedly all the days of our lives. Help us realize when other things may be creeping in to compete with You for first place in our lives. May we continue to cherish You above all else. In Jesus Name, amen!
This is a great blog. Thank you for the parent/child activity.