Sunday March 25, 2012
I didn't update the blog last week and I am very sorry. I kept meaning to do it, and then somehow it was Sunday, boo!
Last week's memory verse was found in Psalms....121:2
My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
So now onto next week. We are rapidly trying to get through Moses so we can do the Passover next week. We usually emphasize the burning bush when we teach about Moses, so we decided to see if the kids could recall the plagues and put them in order. The boys had three in order and the girls had one, so we hopefully helped them put all 10 to memory in case they ever need to know them in a trivia game, lol. We are so blessed to have Bro Damien in Kids Church, so next time you see him let him know you appreciate him so much!!!!!!! He did an excellent job telling the kids about the burning bush. Also shout out to Emily Criss for bringing her friend Vicki!!!!! We enjoy her and you so much.
Next week's Memory Verse:
Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground Exodus 3:5
(we always give NIV reference, but if you prefer KJV that works for us too!)
Can you put the plagues in order??????? Have your kid quiz you. If you get them right and your child vouches for you I will give you a candy bar :).
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