Febuary 19, 2012
Memory verse to know for next week:
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers 1 Timothy 4:12
We had a very fun time today...I personally picked your kids brains and got them to tell me all kinds of stuff...lol (just kidding).
We discussed the family dynamic as it pertains to Joseph, continuing on with the story of Jacob and his descendants. Joseph was absolutely his fathers favorite, so I asked the kids who was their mom and dads favorite. It was so cute to see from ages 5-11 how logic of this question doesn't change much. Then we talked about how they are God's favorite child. There is no one else like us, we are truly a one of a kind creation. I am so thankful there is only one Amy Skreczko, but I love the fact that he placed so many things in me that are mine alone. I share things with Him that no one else does. My walk with Him is just that...MINE. I love our savior and want to put on His "coat of many colors" so to speak. He dresses us apart from everyone else and we shine in many ways that are beautiful and special. Love on your precious babies, we are truly blessed to be parents and friends to these kids. We enjoyed a lot of laughs today, thank you so much for bringing your kids to our program. (We will continue to bribe them with candy, or whatever it takes).
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