Today the children learned how to develop self control to fight off the many temptations that keep them from being obedient to God and enjoying His many blessings. They should not be like Samson, who took his strength for granted and became weak in obedience. By being obedient to God, and doing what is right, you become strong in faith.
Memory Verse:
My Son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. Proverbs 2:10
Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
Play a game with you child this week that will reinforce the need to concentrate and avoid distractions or other temptations. Two great games for this are Jenga and Pick Up Sticks. As you play, be sure to compare how playing the game well is similar to keeping
God's commands. If you let outside distractions or temptations turn away your attention, you can be in big trouble.
Daily Prayer:
Lord I praise You for your mighty power and strength. Help me to remain obedient to Your word and to Your commands. Let me not be like Samson, who was tempted in every little thing, but let me be strong in my faith. Amen.
Memory Verse:
My Son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. Proverbs 2:10
Suggested Parent/Child Activity:
Play a game with you child this week that will reinforce the need to concentrate and avoid distractions or other temptations. Two great games for this are Jenga and Pick Up Sticks. As you play, be sure to compare how playing the game well is similar to keeping
God's commands. If you let outside distractions or temptations turn away your attention, you can be in big trouble.
Daily Prayer:
Lord I praise You for your mighty power and strength. Help me to remain obedient to Your word and to Your commands. Let me not be like Samson, who was tempted in every little thing, but let me be strong in my faith. Amen.